I've been looking forward to this gig since August. On the 20th of November 2007 when The Wombats entered the stage at The Chelsea I knew why. These lads are ace, just ace. They rock, pop, waltz and punk. As if this wasn’t enough already they crack their hilarious jokes on stage and it seems that they have a good time on stage. You feel it!
After telling us that their songs are about “Girls, Boys and Marsupials” they ask us to “Kill The Director.” Well, the most dedicated fans probably are willing to do even that. Just joking … but they are absolutely brilliant. Brilliant,brilliant,brilliant! You have to repeat it. As Vienna is the city where the waltz was born they asked two people to do a waltz on stage. It was fun - not only for the two waltzing but also for the audience watching and of course for The Wombats themselves. You get the impression that they have a good time. Murph (Matthew Murphy) the singer/guitarist, Dan (Dan Haggis) the drummer and Tord (Tord Øverland Knudsen) the bassist know each other from LIPA, The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts in Liverpool (founded by Paul McCartney), where they were all enrolled. Singer and drummer are from Liverpool, the bassist is from Norway. Their songs are populated by jesters, ostriches, madmen, rollerskates, rom-coms, strippers, lesbians, chart hits, boys, girls and cuddly marsupials. The Wombats became the first officially unsigned act to sell out Liverpool’s Carling Academy and have thus been declared fully-fledged local heroes. Well, not local heroes but nationwide heroes. After their gig at the Chelsea … international heroes!
One of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. Melodies to sing along to, riffs to bang your head to and tunes that make you dance. Let’s dance to The Wombats and celebrate their talents everything is going right and we’re so happy. (Text/Pics: Nadia Baha)
CD-Kritik (Pro/Kontra) Paul McCartney - Memory Almost Full